1976 Huntsville Older- Timers Hockey Team – World Champs

Team - 1976 Huntsville Older Timers Hockey
1976 Huntsville Older Timers Hockey

The 1974 to 1989 edition of the Huntsville Oldtimers was a celebrated team, with names of Jack Bionda, Jack McKenzie, player/coach Bill Colvin, Don Thompson and Randy Ellis leading the way. The team started from modest beginnings as a group of 35-year players, and older, who borrowed some sweaters from the local minor hockey association so they could attend a tournament in Peterborough in 1974. However, the team that was thrown together for that tournament started to show some unique promise, so much so that they journeyed to Holland in 1976 and won the world D oldtimers hockey championship. That was the start of an international odyssey for the club, and the team would represent the town in such places as Denmark, Switzerland, Florida and San Diego during its tenure. They would also play closer to home in cities such as Montreal, Ottawa and Vancouver. They were such a dominant force in the Ontario oldtimers’ scene that they often won or at least reached the finals of many of the weekend tournaments they competed in, and were able to capture the Ontario. The team was also a force off the ice, raising thousands of dollars for local charities through its annual tournament. Groups like minor hockey and lacrosse, the hospital foundation and the Salvation Army received funds from the event throughout the years.
