In his career, Ken Thompson excelled as an athlete in both
hockey and lacrosse. In hockey, he played for 3 different teams,
The Weyburn Red Wings, The Toledo Blades and the
Johnstown Jets, in 3 different leagues.
As a lacrosse player, Ken was a prolific goal scorer, winning 3
(Minto Cups) Canada Junior Lacrosse’s highest achievement.
He played for the Oshawa Green Gaels in 1963, 64 & 65 and on
the Canadian Championship team, the Windsor Warlocks.
So what does it take to excel at these levels? It goes without
saying that it takes a lot of practice and teamwork, commitment
and passion. How much is a lot? Perhaps an anecdote best
illustrates this….As a Huntsville resident Ken played for the
Windsor Warlocks. To get to weekend games Ken drove to
Toronto then flew from Toronto to Windsor to play. Later on to
avoid the drive, Ken hired a pilot and plane and flew from
Muskoka airport to Windsor. Can you say Commitment and
Passion? This was Ken Thompson.
Ken was inducted into the HUNTSVILLE SPORTS HALL OF
FAME IN 2017.