For over 30 years, Marilyn Leigh has been spending her early hours of each morning honing the skills of Huntsville’s young budding figure skating stars. Known throughout the sport as a coach, especially in the teaching of “spins”. Marilyn is also recognized as a very capable judge, but it is as a coach of the Huntsville Figure Skating Club, that Marilyn has truly had an effect on the young people growing up in our community. Just think of the number of skaters, parents, and executive that have been associated with the sport over this 30 year span and you quickly appreciate the efforts of Marilyn Leigh. Never one to boast of her success, Marilyn has been involved with many excellent athletes over the years, names such, as Leigh, MacWilliams, Pollard, Chantler, Tebby, Markle, Bullen and Edsall immediately come to mind, as those who have represented our community and Marilyn Leigh quite well. Marilyn continues to teach figure skating and is also associated with the Bracebridge Figure Skating Club and The Mariposa Figure Skating School in Barrie.