What is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information from individuals who live in the European Union. At the time of writing it is considered the most stringent legislation for the protection of personal information. HSHF strives to abide by the guidelines of

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I submitted a nomination and the person or team has not been inducted, what happened?

All nominations are accepted by the Sports Hall of Fame committee and added to the existing list of potential candidates. Being nominated does not automatically result in a person or team being inducted into the Sports Hall of Fame. Nominees are assessed against the key criteria and those deemed most suitable may be inducted at

I submitted a nomination and the person or team has not been inducted, what happened? Read More »

What is the difference between being inducted into the Hall of Fame and receiving an award?

Inductees are considered to be members of the Huntsville Sports Hall of Fame. Individual names, or team names are added to the Huntsville Sports Hall of Fame after being inducted into the Hall of Fame. Awards are presented to individuals in recognition of specific achievements in sports. Award recipients are not members of the Hall

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